Wyith.edu accepts Bankcoin Reserve (BCR) for tuitions!

Step 1: Choose your route

If you are a high school graduate or do not have supervisory level experience, choose the traditional route and complete your qualifications via completing assignments. If you are over 23 years old and have at least 2 years of supervisory level working experience, we recommend you choose the vocational route and complete your qualification via professional recognition.

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Step 2: Choose start level

For the route via assignment: Depending on the qualifications you currently hold, you may choose to enter at the appropriate level. For example, if you already have an HNC/HND, you might want to start at the honors degree level and choose to complete a bachelor’s degree in management with us.

On the contrary, for the vocational route via professional recognition, depending on your working experience and the amount of management training you have, you can be eligible to begin with working toward the Licentiate (Level 4), Graduateship (Level 6), or, in some cases, the Membership (Level 7) level qualification.

Step 3: Determine your goal

Regardless of the study path you choose, determine your ultimate goal for, say, in the next 2 to 3 years so that you can plan on your own time and budget. You should always check to see what would be the academic as well as the financial requirements of the various paths and make sure these would fit you. Different paths suit different people. An aspiring business owner with years of experience might aim for an MBA or even a PhD via the professional recognition path, whereas someone who would like to become a future teacher might want to work slowly towards his MBA too, but via the traditional assignment path.

Step 4: Costs? Scholarships?

Please also check the tuition and fees and if you are eligible for any scholarships too. Read more in sections on Tuition and Scholarships.

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Bankcoin Reserve